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The Weather Prediction Center

12 UTC GFS Ensemble Probability of Precipitation
Forecasts of 24-hour QPF -- Caribbean  
The links below depict the probability that the 24-hour QPF
will exceed the listed threshold.

  6 MM 12 MM 24 MM 36 MM 125 MM 6-125 MM Loop
Day 1 024 024 024 024 024 Animate F024
Day 2 048 048 048 048 048 Animate F048
Day 3 072 072 072 072 072 Animate F072
Day 4 096 096 096 096 096 Animate F096
Day 5 120 120 120 120 120 Animate F120
Days 1-5
Loop Loop Loop Loop Loop  


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Page last modified: Tuesday, 02-Nov-2010 14:05:41 UTC