the Day 4-5 and Day 6-7 QPFs
The Day 4-5 and Day 6-7 Quantitative Precipitation Forecast (QPF)
products are prepared by our medium-range forecasters twice per day, once at 04Z and
again around 16Z.
Forecasts are valid from the beginning of Day 4(6) through the end of Day 5(7), with the 16Z issuance offset
by 12 hours. For example, a Day 4-5 forecast created at 04Z
September 2, 2022, would be valid for the 48 hour period from 12Z September 5, 2022, through 12Z September 7, 2022.
The Day 4-5 forecast prepared at 16Z September 2, 2022, would be valid from 00Z September 6, 2022, through 00Z September 8, 2022.
For the Day 6-7 QPF, a forecast created at 04Z September 2, 2022, would be valid from 12Z September 7, 2022, through
12Z September 9, 2022. The forecast created at 16Z would be valid from 00Z September 8, 2022, through 00Z September 10, 2022.