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About WPC's Winter Weather KML Products

On September 15 2010, WPC began creating its Day 1-3 Winter Weather probability forecasts in KeyHole Markup Language (KML)format.  Contained within the files are shaded contours depicting probabilities of snow and freezing rain exceeding pre-determined thresholds. The products are similar to those on WPC's primary winter weather page, with the only difference being that the probability areas are color-filled rather than simply line segments. See an example of a probability forecast in gif image format.   and see that same forecast in Google Earth.

All of the products can be accessed from our KML products page.   There are several viewing options, including:
  1. Individually -- Each of the links to the individual products contain the 24-hour period for which the product is valid.  In addition, the latest product issuance time is included for each forecast day.
  2. Packages containing products for a given forecast day -- These KML files contain four products for the given forecast day: the probability of snow greater than 4, 8, and 12 inches, as well as the probability of freezing rain accumulating more than .25 inch.
  3. Packages containing a particular probability product for each day -- These KML files contain three products: the Day 1-3 probability forecasts of snow greater than 4, 8, or 12 inches, or the Day 1-3 probability forecasts of freezing rain accumulating more than .25 inch.  A slider bar will appear near the top of the display to allow you to scroll or loop through the forecast periods.
  4. Complete product suite -- This link (directly under the "Latest Winter Weather Forecasts" header) contains all 12 products.  Initially, it defaults to displaying the Day 1-3 probabilities of snow greater than 4 inches with a slider bar near the top of the display to allow you to scroll or loop through the forecast periods.
View additional information about WPC's Winter Weather products.

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Page last modified: Tuesday, 05-Mar-2013 13:08:43 UTC