WPC-HMT Realtime Webpage

Welcome to the Weather Prediction Center's Hydrometeorology Testbed (HMT) Webpage

Planning for the 2024 Flash Flood and Intense Rainfall Experiment (FFaIR) is underway. A large focus of this year's experiment will be on the performance of the RRFS suite. If you are interested in participating please fill out this form. Please make sure to get approval from your management before signing up. Contact Sarah Trojniak (sarah.trojniak@noaa.gov) for more information.

This is an experimental webpage that displays operational and experimental Models and Ensembles. This includes the Rapid Refresh Forecast System (RRFS) deterministic and ensemble data. Our website refers to the RRFS deterministic as RRFSp1, which EMC calls RRFSa. We are also ploting 2 members of the RRFS Ensemble, labeled as RRFSm2 and RRFSm4. Experimental dataflow is sporadic, so if a model/ensemble is missing check to see if there is an earlier run. If the model/ensemble is still missing, we apologize and hope to have data available next time you visit.

The products shown on this webpage are NOT official NWS products. Information about WPC-HMT can be found here. If you have any questions about the webpage or HMT please contact Sarah Trojniak (sarah.trojniak@noaa.gov) or Jimmy Correia (james.correia@noaa.gov) or Massey Bartolini (massey.bartolini@noaa.gov).

If you are interested in other developmental websites we support please see the Experiment Websites - Data Visualization tab in the HMT and NOAA Websites dropdown. This includes an interactive soundings viewer that displays HRRR and RRFSp1 soundings.

The 2023 Finall Report Part 1 is now available and can be found here. We hope to release Part 2 of the report in April.

If you are interested in any of the seminars hosted by FFaIR or WWE, the slides can be found here for FFaIR and here for WWE.

Click and drag slider or click slider to engage arrow keys

NAMnest - Dendritic Growth Zone
This image is unavailable how unFFaIR.
Please use the slider to see if it is just this time period that is missing for this parameter or if it's the whole cycle that is missing.