WPC-HMT Realtime Webpage

Welcome to the Weather Prediction Center's Hydrometeorology Testbed (HMT) Webpage

The 2024 Flash Flood and Intense Rainfall Experiment (FFaIR) is underway. A large focus of this year's experiment will be on the performance of the RRFS suite. To do this FFaIR is running a data denial experiment. On the webpage, deterministic models are now separated by either the HREF Group or REFS Group. The HRRR and GFS are in both groups since they will be operational after the implementation of the RRFS. In the dropdown menus, anything that is part of the HREF group is highlighed light blue and anything in the REFS Group is light purple. Refer to the 2024 FFaIR Operations Plan for more information.

This is an experimental webpage that displays operational and experimental Models and Ensembles. For the 2024 FFaIR Experiment we are now plotting all the members of the HREF and all the members of the REFS (precipitation specific parameters). Also included is the NSSL-MPAS (under HREF Group), the CAPS ensemble and the CAPS Deterministic (part of the REFS Group). Experimental dataflow is sporadic, so if a model/ensemble is missing check to see if there is an earlier run. If the model/ensemble is still missing, we apologize and hope to have data available next time you visit.

The products shown on this webpage are NOT official NWS products. Information about WPC-HMT can be found here. If you have any questions about the webpage or HMT please contact Sarah Trojniak (sarah.trojniak@noaa.gov) or Jimmy Correia (james.correia@noaa.gov) or Massey Bartolini (massey.bartolini@noaa.gov).

If you are interested in other developmental websites we support please see the Experiment Websites - Data Visualization tab in the HMT and NOAA Websites dropdown. This includes an interactive soundings viewer that displays HREF and REFS membership soundings; in collaboration with David Harrison (SPC).

The 2024 FFaIR Dates:

June 10 - 14 (virtual)
June 24 - 28 (virtual)
July 8 - 12 (hybrid)
July 22 - 26 (virtual)
July 29 - Aug 2 (hybrid)

The FFaIR Seminar Series starts Tues. June 4 at 2pm EDT. It runs every Tues/Thurs at that time during the week of June 3 and every week that FFaIR is in session. For the complete seminar schedule click here. If you are interested in any of the seminars hosted by FFaIR or WWE, the slides can be found here for FFaIR and here for WWE.

Click and drag slider or click slider to engage arrow keys

HRRR - 1 hr Composite Reflectivity
This image is unavailable how unFFaIR.
Please use the slider to see if it is just this time period that is missing for this parameter or if it's the whole cycle that is missing.