EMC/HPC/MPC/NCO/CPC Synergy Meeting Highlights 08/25/03
This meeting was led by Peter Manousos and was attended by the following: Geoff Dimego, Hua Lu Pan, Pete Caplan, Jim Hoke, Jessica Clark, Jim Kells, Brent Gordon, Ed Danaher, Jeff Lerner, Larry Burroughs, Bill Bua, Dave Feit, Steve Jascourt, Keith Brill, and Alan Haynes.
1. IBM SP and CCS
John Ward reported that the there are no major implementations scheduled for the remainder of the calendar year and that the next back up test is planned for the first week of October.
2. Notes from EMC
a. Global Modeling Group: Hua Lu Pan reported that the long wave radiation scheme (Rapid Radiative Transfer) will be implemented in September. Further, by the “Holiday Moratorium” minor changes to the analysis scheme plus a modification to account for gravity wave drag will be implemented. This will likely improve that performance of the model with flow over mountain areas and lee cyclogenesis events.
b. Mesoscale Modeling Group: Geoff Dimego reported that a fall bundle is planned for implementation before the “Holiday Moratorium” (Nov/Dec time frame). This will include a EDAS change to ignore surface temperature observations (as the Eta stepped mountain coordinates make it difficult for the 3DVar to isolate the effects of surface temperature data). This component of the fall bundle will be implemented in September. Also the precipitation assimilation scheme will be adjusted to correct for a low or dry bias. A minor code tweak will also include an adjustment to the BMJ scheme. Finally, the short wave radiation package will also be overhauled.
c. Global Ensemble Prediction System: In September the Global EPS will be modified so that a control and 5 pairs will be produced 4x daily.
d Short Range Ensemble Forecast (SREF) Group: Jun Du reported that an additional five will be added into SREF production, increasing the ensemble members from 10 to 15. Bufr sounding data will be made available from the 10 Eta members (buffer output will not be produced initially for the 5 RSM members due vertical resolution differences between the RSM and Eta members. Prior to the CCS holiday moratorium the horizontal resolution of the SREF system will be increased to 32km resolution and their physics packages updated to the current versions in the operational GFS (for RSM, which is several years behind) and Eta (which was current until the July 8, 2003 operational Eta implementation). Further, a variety of physics packages will be used to generate the Eta and RSM members.
e. Marine Modeling and Analysis Branch (MMAB): Larry Burroughs stated that the NPAC Hurricane Model was implemented operationally Aug. 12 and that Global visibility fields produced from the GFS 4x/day are still under evaluation will likely be implemented operationally before the Holiday Moratorium.
3. Next Meeting Monday September 30th, 2003 at 12:30 pm in room 209.