NCEP Synergy Meeting Highlights: May 12, 2014


This meeting was led by Wallace Hogsett (WPC) and attended by Keith Brill (WPC); Becky Cosgrove and Chris Caruso-Magee (NCO); Hendrik Tolman, Stephen Barry, Geoff DiMego, John Derber, DaNa Carlis, Vera Gerald, and Mary Hart (EMC); Kathy Gilbert and colleagues (MDL); Ben Schwedler (AWC); Pat Marsh (SPC); Brian Miretzky and Jeff Waldstreicher (ER); Jeff Craven (CR); Andy Edman (WR); John Kelley and AJ Zhang (NOS); Richard Pasch (NHC)


1.    NOTES FROM NCO (Chris Caruso-Magee and Becky Cosgrove)




2a. Global Climate and Weather Modeling Branch (GCWMB) (John Derber)



2b. Mesoscale Modeling Branch (MMB) (Geoff DiMego)



2c. Marine Modeling and Analysis Branch (MMAB) (Hendrik Tolman)



3.                NATIONAL OCEAN SERVICE (NOS, John Kelley & AJ):




4a. MDL (Kathy Gilbert):


MDL is working with the SREC team to compile guidance that hasn’t made it into AWIPS2, e.g., Hawaii, CONUS 2.5km grids.


4b. NCEP Centers and NWS Regions

Weather Prediction Center (WPC, Wallace Hogsett): Nothing to report.

Storm Prediction Center (SPC, Pat Marsh): Nothing to report.


The Spring Forecast Experiment is ongoing, and the HighRes Windows are part of the evaluation.

National Hurricane Center (NHC, Richard Pasch): Nothing to report

Space Weather Prediction Center (SWPC, no representative):

Ocean Prediction Center (OPC, Joe Sienkiewicz): Nothing to report.

Aviation Weather Center (AWC, Ben Schwedler): HRW evaluation ongoing

Pacific Region (PR, no representative):

Alaska Region (AR, no representative):

Eastern Region (ER, Brian Miretzky, Jeff Waldstreicher): Nothing to report

Western Region (WR, Andy Edman):  Nothing to report

Southern Region (SR, no representative):

Central Region (CR, Jeff Craven): Big focus in next several months is to spin up C&V and aviation fields into the Central Region CONSSHORT blend, so a few offices can test out Boston method for TAFs out of GFE grids. That will take about a year. Hope to expand to across region.  


5.              NESDIS (no representative):


The next Synergy Meeting will be held (tentatively) at 2:30 pm EST on Monday, June 30 2014, in NCWCP conference room 2890, with remote teleconferencing capability.